The details of the official fees in the process of trademark registration in China are listed here, which can be used as a reference for the applicant.
Fee items | Standard charge for paper application (by category) | Electronic text application fee standard (by category) |
Registration fee | 300 yuan (limit 10 commodities in this category. 30 yuan per commodity for more than 10 commodities) | 270 yuan (limit 10 commodities in this category. 27 yuan per commodity for more than 10 commodities) |
Reissue of trademark registration fee | 500 yuan | 450 yuan |
Transfer registered trademark fee | 500 yuan | 450 yuan |
Trademark renewal registration fee | 500 yuan | 450 yuan |
Trademark renewal registration delay fee | 250 yuan | 225 yuan |
Fees for trademark review | 750 yuan | 675 yuan |
Trademark change fee | 150 yuan | 0 yuan |
Fee for certification the trademark | 50 yuan | 45 yuan |
Collective trademark registration fee | 1500 yuan | 1350 yuan |
Certificate trademark registration fee | 1500 yuan | 1350 yuan |
Trademark consolidation fee | 500 yuan | 450 yuan |
Revocation of trademark fee | 500 yuan | 450 yuan |
Trademark license contract filing fee | 150 yuan | 135 yuan |